View wide tables with psql
When making a query with lots of columns, it can become so wide that it wraps, making the results incredibly difficult to read.
To combat this, you can toggle "Expanded display" using \x
website=# \x
Expanded display is on.
website=# \x
Expanded display is off.
Expanded display changes the output from a conventional table to a key/value mapping:
website=# select * from wagtailcore_page order by title limit 1;
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------------+---------------------------------------
id | 207
path | 0001000100020034
depth | 4
numchild | 0
title | Adding blog posts to my GitHub profile
slug | github-readme-blog-posts
live | t
has_unpublished_changes | f
url_path | /home/posts/github-readme-blog-posts/
seo_title |
show_in_menus | t
search_description |
go_live_at |
expire_at |
expired | f
content_type_id | 14
owner_id | 1
locked | f
latest_revision_created_at | 2024-02-18 21:39:50.893249+00
first_published_at | 2024-02-06 20:55:01.699808+00
live_revision_id | 574
last_published_at | 2024-02-18 21:39:50.999476+00
draft_title | Adding blog posts to my GitHub profile
locked_at |
locked_by_id |
translation_key | 3714dd50-fabe-4d56-b4bd-fdabc27568a4
locale_id | 1
alias_of_id |
latest_revision_id | 574