Navigate mkdocs by tag

The sidebar for this notes site uses tags for the hierarchy, rather than by the filesystem structure.

This works by retrieving the tags for each note, creating fake sections for each, and replacing the existing sections with those.


Here be dragons.

import sys
import os

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__))

from notes import get_notes_from_nav
from mkdocs.structure.nav import Navigation, Section
from collections import defaultdict
from mkdocs.utils import meta
from mkdocs.plugins import event_priority

class TagSection(Section):
    A modified section which is active if any of its children are active
    (regardless of what mkdocs tells it).
    def active(self):
        return any( for c in self.children)

    def active(self, value: bool):

def on_nav(nav: Navigation, config, files):
    Structure the nav sections by tag
    notes_section, notes = get_notes_from_nav(nav)

    notes_page = notes_section.children[0]

    pages_to_tag = defaultdict(list)

    orphan_pages = []

    for note in notes:
        with open(note.file.abs_src_path) as f:
            _, metadata = meta.get_data(

        if tags := metadata.get("tags"):
            for tag in tags:

    tag_sections = [
        TagSection(tag, pages)
        for tag, pages in pages_to_tag.items()

    notes_section.children = tag_sections + orphan_pages + [notes_page]